Hello beautiful ladies! I just posted my updated project pan video on my channel today! In this video I share with you all the products I used up, and there is a quite a bit! I also include my new ruling for project pan and what I want to continue to use up! I am kind of still on project pan, kind of not at this point. I have a list of things that I still cannot buy, which includes: concealer, foundation, powder, pencil eyeliner, lip balm, body spray, and lotion. Everything else is fair game since I have used up a lot of products! I am not planning on going overboard on buying new makeup, I just am ready to purchase some new things since I got rid of many things from my blog sale and project pan! I'm very proud of myself because makeup is my weakness :P There are a ton of coupons that I want to use soon, so I am probably going to upload a haul on my youtube channel including what I bought, and how I used coupons! If you would like a full post on how I use coupons to get cheap makeup for even cheaper, please let me know in a comment below! I'd love to share that with you guys :)
Here is my newest video!
Jeez, my thumbnails are always so attractive :P
Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to update you a little so you know why I have been MIA lately, hope you don't mind :)
♥ I haven't bought new products so I haven't had many to review lately, obviously.
♥ My boyfriend was with me all last week and we had an amazing time (separated for college - reunited for spring break :D)
♥ My grandpa was pretty sick the same week my boyfriend was here so I had spent a lot of time with him as well!
So if you can't tell, I've been a pretty busy girl! This week is my official spring break, so I will have lots of time to hopefully channel into my youtube and blog, so I will do my best to get new things up for you soon! Hopefully I will accumulate a good amount of products to share with you and review soon! Hope this blog post wasn't too random for you all :P Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin :)
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